This blog is to document the lesson and activities from our Easter Outreach each year. This lesson and the activity room are our answer to how to do an Easter Outreach to tell children about salvation and keep them coming back each year.
I don't know who will be looking at this site besides me. If you find this site helpful to you, please comment and let me know!
How big is your church?
*About 70 members
How many volunteers do you have at the Easter Outreach?
*Approximately, 15-20. We have two people to greet, a floater, a person to introduce the lesson, 4-5 people in the lesson room and the rest in the activity room.
How many people organize your event?
*2 main people organize the event. One person takes care of advertising, renting the space, having the lesson materials prepared, having lesson volunteers, greeters, and muffins in the welcome area. The second person is in charge of all activity ideas and materials, and activity volunteers. Both people meet before to discuss all plans, meet with all volunteers before the outreach, review the outreach afterward, set-up, tear-down, and work the day of the outreach.
This plan has worked well for us because of the people we have available at our church. You might have to divide responsibilities differently depending on the talents of your volunteers. Do not put all the responsibilities upon one person; it is stressful and takes away from your prayer time if you are planning and organizing every step of the event. You need time to pray for the families and volunteers involved with this event that it will impact their heart and your own!
How many people come to your event?
* The first year not many people came... maybe 40? This past year we had 200+ children and their parents come through our event.
Why do you rent a space?
*We have our event at a local recreation center near our church. We feel families are more willing to come to a neutral location. It is often intimidating to visit a church.
How do you advertise?
*We advertise at the two elementary schools close to our church. We have handouts with information on them approved at the school district office then distribute them in Friday Folders at the schools. We also put colored posters up at local businesses, free adds online or in papers, and word of mouth.
Most families come because of the advertising we do at the schools. Our handouts are a 1/4th sheet of paper. They have a photo printed in color and give all necessary information:
Easter Egg-stravaganza
FREE! Sat. April ## (normally, the Saturday before Easter)
Games, Crafts and lots of fun!
(In smaller print below is our church's logo.)
This free event is open to the public and is sponsored by ------- Church. For more info, call ###-###
Do the kids get eggs?
*Yes. Each child gets 10 eggs at the end of the bible lesson along with a coloring book explaining the lesson again.
Why do you not do an egg hunt?
*We felt just having an egg hunt at our church wasn't explaining to children why we celebrate Easter. We celebrate Easter because Jesus died for our sins. Easter is the day he rose from the grave, so we know we can go to heaven.
Egg hunts are often competitive and the weather were we live does not often cooperate with outdoor events. Children still receive eggs with candy in them but also get to hear how they can go to heaven and see God's love for them through the volunteers.
Why do you not do resurrection eggs?
*Resurrection eggs are a wonderful teaching tool for children who already know the resurrection story. Each item serves as a reminder for the child to tell the story. We often have children who do not know who Jesus is and have never heard the resurrection story. Our lesson is meant for all ages and all levels of understanding of the resurrection story.
How much does this event cost?
*With room rental, advertising (paper copies), and activity material costs, we normally spend around $300. Half of this cost is for room rental. We do fundraisers and have donations for this money.
You have more questions. Just ask:
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